Meet Iya Orisa, The 136 Years Old Priestess Who Lives Under Olumo Rock (Pictures)


Aug 28, 2021

Most people might have heard of the great Olumo Rock which is located in Abeokuta, Ogun State. According to reports, this Rock is very important to the Egba people in Ogun State because it served as a hideout for them during the Inter-tribal war that took place in the 19th Century.

The Rock protected the Egba people at that time and it is held in high esteem by the people of Ogun State. The place where the Rock is located is also a tourist center that have been visited by people from different parts of the World.

Although a lot of people have heard of Olumo rock, most people haven’t heard of the Old Priestess who lives under the Rock. Her name is Chief Sinatu Sanni Aduke but she is popularly known as Iya Orisa or Iya Orisa Olumo which stands for ‘Mother Goddess of the Olumo Rock’.

Iya Orisa who was born in the year 1885 is currently 136 years old, she has been a Priestess for many years and she has witnessed the Coronation of four Egba Kings. Iya Orisa is very important to the people of Egba Land and she has helped several people in the Community including people who are suffering from illnesses. She is also the one who completes the Coronation Rights of the Kings of Egba Land.

According to reports, her Job is to offer Divinations and Prayers for the People of Egba Land and she has been doing that for several years.

Take a look at some photos of the entrance of her house which is under Olumo rock

Iya Orisa is currently 136 years old but she is still looking very young and healthy, according to reports, she can walk and do some menial jobs without assistance.

More Photos Of Iya Orisa

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By BunaBoy